



Diagram showing operations detailed in this tutorial (The input imageis passed into a Hidden layer that creates a weighted sum of outputs.The weighted sum is passed to the Non-linearity, then regularization andinto the output layer. The output layer creates a prediction which canthen be compared to existing data. The errors are used to calculate theloss function and update weights in the hidden layer and outputlayer.)

本教程改编自Andrew Trask的作品(经作者许可)。




建议您阅读Yann LeCun、Yoshua Bengio和Geoffrey Hinton(被认为是该领域的一些先驱者)在2015年发表的深度学习论文。您还可以考虑阅读Andrew Trask的《Grokking Deep Learning》,该书使用NumPy教授深度学习。


本教程可以在隔离环境(例如Virtualenv或conda)中本地运行。您可以使用Jupyter Notebook或JupyterLab运行每个notebook单元格。不要忘记设置NumPy和Matplotlib。


  1. 加载MNIST数据集

  2. 预处理数据集

  3. 从零开始构建和训练小型神经网络

  4. 后续步骤

1. 加载MNIST数据集#

在本节中,您将下载最初存储在Yann LeCun网站上的压缩MNIST数据集文件。然后,您将使用内置的Python模块将它们转换为4个NumPy数组类型文件。最后,您将把数组分成训练集和测试集。

1. 定义一个变量,在一个列表中存储MNIST数据集的训练/测试图像/标签名称

data_sources = {
    "training_images": "train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz",  # 60,000 training images.
    "test_images": "t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz",  # 10,000 test images.
    "training_labels": "train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz",  # 60,000 training labels.
    "test_labels": "t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz",  # 10,000 test labels.

2. 加载数据。首先检查数据是否本地存储;如果否,则下载它。

import requests
import os

data_dir = "../_data"
os.makedirs(data_dir, exist_ok=True)

base_url = ""

for fname in data_sources.values():
    fpath = os.path.join(data_dir, fname)
    if not os.path.exists(fpath):
        print("Downloading file: " + fname)
        resp = requests.get(base_url + fname, stream=True, **request_opts)
        resp.raise_for_status()  # Ensure download was succesful
        with open(fpath, "wb") as fh:
            for chunk in resp.iter_content(chunk_size=128):

3. 解压缩4个文件并创建4个ndarrays,将它们保存到字典中。每个原始图像的大小为28x28,神经网络通常期望一个一维向量输入;因此,您还需要通过将28乘以28(784)来重塑图像。

import gzip
import numpy as np

mnist_dataset = {}

# Images
for key in ("training_images", "test_images"):
    with, data_sources[key]), "rb") as mnist_file:
        mnist_dataset[key] = np.frombuffer(
  , np.uint8, offset=16
        ).reshape(-1, 28 * 28)
# Labels
for key in ("training_labels", "test_labels"):
    with, data_sources[key]), "rb") as mnist_file:
        mnist_dataset[key] = np.frombuffer(, np.uint8, offset=8)

4. 使用x表示数据和y表示标签的标准表示法将数据分成训练集和测试集,将训练集和测试集图像分别命名为x_trainx_test,并将标签命名为y_trainy_test

x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = (

5. 您可以确认图像数组的形状分别为训练集的(60000, 784)和测试集的(10000, 784),标签的形状为(60000,)(10000,)

    "The shape of training images: {} and training labels: {}".format(
        x_train.shape, y_train.shape
    "The shape of test images: {} and test labels: {}".format(
        x_test.shape, y_test.shape
The shape of training images: (60000, 784) and training labels: (60000,)
The shape of test images: (10000, 784) and test labels: (10000,)

6. 您可以使用Matplotlib检查一些图像

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Take the 60,000th image (indexed at 59,999) from the training set,
# reshape from (784, ) to (28, 28) to have a valid shape for displaying purposes.
mnist_image = x_train[59999, :].reshape(28, 28)
# Set the color mapping to grayscale to have a black background.
plt.imshow(mnist_image, cmap="gray")
# Display the image.
# Display 5 random images from the training set.
num_examples = 5
seed = 147197952744
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)

fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, num_examples)
for sample, ax in zip(rng.choice(x_train, size=num_examples, replace=False), axes):
    ax.imshow(sample.reshape(28, 28), cmap="gray")



         0,   0,  38,  48,  48,  22,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
         0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
         0,  62,  97, 198, 243, 254, 254, 212,  27,   0,   0,   0,   0,
# Display the label of the 60,000th image (indexed at 59,999) from the training set.

2. 预处理数据#



  • 归一化图像数据:一种特征缩放过程,可以通过标准化输入数据的分布来加快神经网络训练过程。

  • 独热/分类编码图像标签。

在实践中,您可以根据目标使用不同类型的浮点精度,您可以在Nvidia和Google Cloud博客文章中找到更多相关信息。


图像数据包含在 [0, 255] 区间内编码的 8 位整数,颜色值介于 0 和 255 之间。

您将通过将其除以 255 来将其规范化为 [0, 1] 区间内的浮点数组。

1. 检查矢量化图像数据类型是否为 uint8

print("The data type of training images: {}".format(x_train.dtype))
print("The data type of test images: {}".format(x_test.dtype))
The data type of training images: uint8
The data type of test images: uint8

2. 通过将其除以 255 来规范化数组(从而将数据类型从 uint8 提升到 float64),然后将训练和测试图像数据变量——x_trainx_test——分别赋值给 training_imagestrain_labels。为了减少本例中模型训练和评估时间,将只使用训练和测试图像的一个子集。 training_imagestest_images 都将只包含 1000 个样本,分别来自完整的 60000 和 10000 张图像的数据集。可以通过更改下面的 training_sampletest_sample 来控制这些值,最多可达其最大值 60000 和 10000。

training_sample, test_sample = 1000, 1000
training_images = x_train[0:training_sample] / 255
test_images = x_test[0:test_sample] / 255

3. 确认图像数据已更改为浮点格式

print("The data type of training images: {}".format(training_images.dtype))
print("The data type of test images: {}".format(test_images.dtype))
The data type of training images: float64
The data type of test images: float64

注意:您还可以通过在笔记本单元格中打印 training_images[0] 来检查规范化是否成功。您的长输出应包含一个浮点数数组

       0.        , 0.        , 0.01176471, 0.07058824, 0.07058824,
       0.07058824, 0.49411765, 0.53333333, 0.68627451, 0.10196078,
       0.65098039, 1.        , 0.96862745, 0.49803922, 0.        ,


您将使用独热编码将每个数字标签嵌入为一个全零向量,使用 np.zeros() 并为标签索引放置 1。结果,您的标签数据将是数组,在每个图像标签的位置具有 1.0(或 1.)。

由于总共有 10 个标签(从 0 到 9),因此您的数组将类似于此

array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.])

1. 使用 dtype uint8 确认图像标签数据是整数

print("The data type of training labels: {}".format(y_train.dtype))
print("The data type of test labels: {}".format(y_test.dtype))
The data type of training labels: uint8
The data type of test labels: uint8

2. 定义一个对数组执行独热编码的函数

def one_hot_encoding(labels, dimension=10):
    # Define a one-hot variable for an all-zero vector
    # with 10 dimensions (number labels from 0 to 9).
    one_hot_labels = labels[..., None] == np.arange(dimension)[None]
    # Return one-hot encoded labels.
    return one_hot_labels.astype(np.float64)

3. 编码标签并将值赋给新变量

training_labels = one_hot_encoding(y_train[:training_sample])
test_labels = one_hot_encoding(y_test[:test_sample])

4. 检查数据类型是否已更改为浮点型

print("The data type of training labels: {}".format(training_labels.dtype))
print("The data type of test labels: {}".format(test_labels.dtype))
The data type of training labels: float64
The data type of test labels: float64

5. 检查一些编码后的标签

[0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]




3. 从头构建和训练一个小型神经网络#


之后,您将使用 Python 和 NumPy 构建简单深度学习模型的构建块,并训练它以一定精度从 MNIST 数据集中识别手写数字。

使用 NumPy 的神经网络构建块#

  • 层 (Layers):这些构建块充当数据过滤器——它们处理数据并从输入中学习表示,以更好地预测目标输出。

    您将在模型中使用 1 个隐藏层来向前传递输入(前向传播)并向后传播损失函数的梯度/误差导数(反向传播)。这些是输入层、隐藏层和输出层。

    在隐藏层(中间层)和输出层(最后一层)中,神经网络模型将计算输入的加权和。为了计算此过程,您将使用 NumPy 的矩阵乘法函数(“点乘”或, weights))。

    注意:为简便起见,本例中省略了偏置项(没有, weights) + bias)。

  • 权重 (Weights):这些是神经网络通过前向和反向传播数据来微调的重要可调整参数。它们通过称为梯度下降的过程进行优化。在模型训练开始之前,权重使用 NumPy 的Generator.random()随机初始化。


  • 激活函数 (Activation function):深度学习模型能够确定输入和输出之间的非线性关系,这些非线性函数通常应用于每一层的输出。

    您将对隐藏层的输出使用整流线性单元 (ReLU)(例如,relu(, weights)))。

  • 正则化 (Regularization):这种技术有助于防止神经网络模型过拟合

    在本例中,您将使用一种称为 dropout 的方法——稀疏化——它会将一层中的许多特征随机设置为 0。您将使用 NumPy 的Generator.integers()方法定义它并将其应用于网络的隐藏层。

  • 损失函数 (Loss function):该计算通过将图像标签(真实值)与最终层输出中的预测值进行比较来确定预测的质量。

    为简便起见,您将使用基本的总平方误差,使用 NumPy 的 np.sum() 函数(例如,np.sum((final_layer_output - image_labels) ** 2))。

  • 准确率 (Accuracy):此指标衡量网络预测其未见过的数据的准确性。



Diagram showing operations detailed in this tutorial (The input imageis passed into a Hidden layer that creates a weighted sum of outputs.The weighted sum is passed to the Non-linearity, then regularization andinto the output layer. The output layer creates a prediction which canthen be compared to existing data. The errors are used to calculate theloss function and update weights in the hidden layer and outputlayer.)

  • 输入层:

    它是网络的输入——先前预处理的数据,从 training_images 加载到 layer_0 中。

  • 隐藏层(中间层):

    layer_1 获取前一层的输出,并使用 NumPy 的 对输入与权重 (weights_1) 进行矩阵乘法。

    然后,此输出通过 ReLU 激活函数进行非线性处理,然后应用 dropout 来帮助避免过拟合。

  • 输出层(最后一层):

    layer_2 获取 layer_1 的输出,并使用 weights_2 重复相同的“点乘”过程。

    最终输出返回 0-9 数字标签的 10 个分数。网络模型以大小为 10 的层结束——一个 10 维向量。

  • 前向传播、反向传播、训练循环:




  1. 通过比较图像的真实标签(真实值)与模型的预测来衡量误差。

  2. 对损失函数进行微分。

  3. 获取关于输出的梯度,并通过层(s)将其反向传播到输入。





1. 我们将首先创建一个新的随机数生成器,提供一个种子以确保可重复性

seed = 884736743
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)

2. 对于隐藏层,定义用于前向传播的 ReLU 激活函数和反向传播中使用的 ReLU 的导数

# Define ReLU that returns the input if it's positive and 0 otherwise.
def relu(x):
    return (x >= 0) * x

# Set up a derivative of the ReLU function that returns 1 for a positive input
# and 0 otherwise.
def relu2deriv(output):
    return output >= 0

3. 设置某些超参数的默认值,例如

  • 学习率 (Learning rate)learning_rate——有助于限制权重更新的幅度,以防止它们过度校正。

  • 迭代次数 (轮数): epochs — 数据在网络中完整传递的次数——包含前向传播和反向传播。此参数可能会对结果产生积极或消极的影响。迭代次数越高,学习过程可能花费的时间越长。由于这是一项计算密集型任务,我们选择了非常低的迭代次数 (20)。为了获得有意义的结果,您应该选择更大的数值。

  • 网络中隐藏层 (中间层) 的大小: hidden_size — 隐藏层的大小不同会影响训练和测试过程中的结果。

  • 输入大小: pixels_per_image — 您已确定图像输入为 784 像素 (28x28)。

  • 标签数量: num_labels — 指示输出层的输出数量,其中包含 10 个 (0 到 9) 手写数字标签的预测结果。

learning_rate = 0.005
epochs = 20
hidden_size = 100
pixels_per_image = 784
num_labels = 10

4. 使用随机值初始化隐藏层和输出层中将使用的权重向量。

weights_1 = 0.2 * rng.random((pixels_per_image, hidden_size)) - 0.1
weights_2 = 0.2 * rng.random((hidden_size, num_labels)) - 0.1

5. 使用训练循环设置神经网络的学习实验,并启动训练过程。请注意,模型在每个迭代次数都会根据测试集进行评估,以跟踪其在训练迭代次数中的性能。


# To store training and test set losses and accurate predictions
# for visualization.
store_training_loss = []
store_training_accurate_pred = []
store_test_loss = []
store_test_accurate_pred = []

# This is a training loop.
# Run the learning experiment for a defined number of epochs (iterations).
for j in range(epochs):

    # Training step #

    # Set the initial loss/error and the number of accurate predictions to zero.
    training_loss = 0.0
    training_accurate_predictions = 0

    # For all images in the training set, perform a forward pass
    # and backpropagation and adjust the weights accordingly.
    for i in range(len(training_images)):
        # Forward propagation/forward pass:
        # 1. The input layer:
        #    Initialize the training image data as inputs.
        layer_0 = training_images[i]
        # 2. The hidden layer:
        #    Take in the training image data into the middle layer by
        #    matrix-multiplying it by randomly initialized weights.
        layer_1 =, weights_1)
        # 3. Pass the hidden layer's output through the ReLU activation function.
        layer_1 = relu(layer_1)
        # 4. Define the dropout function for regularization.
        dropout_mask = rng.integers(low=0, high=2, size=layer_1.shape)
        # 5. Apply dropout to the hidden layer's output.
        layer_1 *= dropout_mask * 2
        # 6. The output layer:
        #    Ingest the output of the middle layer into the the final layer
        #    by matrix-multiplying it by randomly initialized weights.
        #    Produce a 10-dimension vector with 10 scores.
        layer_2 =, weights_2)

        # Backpropagation/backward pass:
        # 1. Measure the training error (loss function) between the actual
        #    image labels (the truth) and the prediction by the model.
        training_loss += np.sum((training_labels[i] - layer_2) ** 2)
        # 2. Increment the accurate prediction count.
        training_accurate_predictions += int(
            np.argmax(layer_2) == np.argmax(training_labels[i])
        # 3. Differentiate the loss function/error.
        layer_2_delta = training_labels[i] - layer_2
        # 4. Propagate the gradients of the loss function back through the hidden layer.
        layer_1_delta =, layer_2_delta) * relu2deriv(layer_1)
        # 5. Apply the dropout to the gradients.
        layer_1_delta *= dropout_mask
        # 6. Update the weights for the middle and input layers
        #    by multiplying them by the learning rate and the gradients.
        weights_1 += learning_rate * np.outer(layer_0, layer_1_delta)
        weights_2 += learning_rate * np.outer(layer_1, layer_2_delta)

    # Store training set losses and accurate predictions.

    # Evaluation step #

    # Evaluate model performance on the test set at each epoch.

    # Unlike the training step, the weights are not modified for each image
    # (or batch). Therefore the model can be applied to the test images in a
    # vectorized manner, eliminating the need to loop over each image
    # individually:

    results = relu(test_images @ weights_1) @ weights_2

    # Measure the error between the actual label (truth) and prediction values.
    test_loss = np.sum((test_labels - results) ** 2)

    # Measure prediction accuracy on test set
    test_accurate_predictions = np.sum(
        np.argmax(results, axis=1) == np.argmax(test_labels, axis=1)

    # Store test set losses and accurate predictions.

    # Summarize error and accuracy metrics at each epoch
            f"Epoch: {j}\n"
            f"  Training set error: {training_loss / len(training_images):.3f}\n"
            f"  Training set accuracy: {training_accurate_predictions / len(training_images)}\n"
            f"  Test set error: {test_loss / len(test_images):.3f}\n"
            f"  Test set accuracy: {test_accurate_predictions / len(test_images)}"
Epoch: 0
  Training set error: 0.898
  Training set accuracy: 0.397
  Test set error: 0.680
  Test set accuracy: 0.582
Epoch: 1
  Training set error: 0.656
  Training set accuracy: 0.633
  Test set error: 0.607
  Test set accuracy: 0.641
Epoch: 2
  Training set error: 0.592
  Training set accuracy: 0.68
  Test set error: 0.569
  Test set accuracy: 0.679
Epoch: 3
  Training set error: 0.556
  Training set accuracy: 0.7
  Test set error: 0.541
  Test set accuracy: 0.708
Epoch: 4
  Training set error: 0.534
  Training set accuracy: 0.732
  Test set error: 0.526
  Test set accuracy: 0.729
Epoch: 5
  Training set error: 0.515
  Training set accuracy: 0.715
  Test set error: 0.500
  Test set accuracy: 0.739
Epoch: 6
  Training set error: 0.495
  Training set accuracy: 0.748
  Test set error: 0.487
  Test set accuracy: 0.753
Epoch: 7
  Training set error: 0.483
  Training set accuracy: 0.769
  Test set error: 0.486
  Test set accuracy: 0.747
Epoch: 8
  Training set error: 0.473
  Training set accuracy: 0.776
  Test set error: 0.473
  Test set accuracy: 0.752
Epoch: 9
  Training set error: 0.460
  Training set accuracy: 0.788
  Test set error: 0.462
  Test set accuracy: 0.762
Epoch: 10
  Training set error: 0.465
  Training set accuracy: 0.769
  Test set error: 0.462
  Test set accuracy: 0.767
Epoch: 11
  Training set error: 0.443
  Training set accuracy: 0.801
  Test set error: 0.456
  Test set accuracy: 0.775
Epoch: 12
  Training set error: 0.448
  Training set accuracy: 0.795
  Test set error: 0.455
  Test set accuracy: 0.772
Epoch: 13
  Training set error: 0.438
  Training set accuracy: 0.787
  Test set error: 0.453
  Test set accuracy: 0.778
Epoch: 14
  Training set error: 0.446
  Training set accuracy: 0.791
  Test set error: 0.450
  Test set accuracy: 0.779
Epoch: 15
  Training set error: 0.441
  Training set accuracy: 0.788
  Test set error: 0.452
  Test set accuracy: 0.772
Epoch: 16
  Training set error: 0.437
  Training set accuracy: 0.786
  Test set error: 0.453
  Test set accuracy: 0.772
Epoch: 17
  Training set error: 0.436
  Training set accuracy: 0.794
  Test set error: 0.449
  Test set accuracy: 0.778
Epoch: 18
  Training set error: 0.433
  Training set accuracy: 0.801
  Test set error: 0.450
  Test set accuracy: 0.774
Epoch: 19
  Training set error: 0.429
  Training set accuracy: 0.785
  Test set error: 0.436
  Test set accuracy: 0.784

训练过程可能需要几分钟,具体取决于许多因素,例如运行实验的机器的处理能力和迭代次数。为了减少等待时间,您可以将迭代次数变量从 100 更改为较小的数字,重置运行时间(这将重置权重),然后再次运行 Notebook 单元格。


epoch_range = np.arange(epochs) + 1  # Starting from 1

# The training set metrics.
training_metrics = {
    "accuracy": np.asarray(store_training_accurate_pred) / len(training_images),
    "error": np.asarray(store_training_loss) / len(training_images),

# The test set metrics.
test_metrics = {
    "accuracy": np.asarray(store_test_accurate_pred) / len(test_images),
    "error": np.asarray(store_test_loss) / len(test_images),

# Display the plots.
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(15, 5))
for ax, metrics, title in zip(
    axes, (training_metrics, test_metrics), ("Training set", "Test set")
    # Plot the metrics
    for metric, values in metrics.items():
        ax.plot(epoch_range, values, label=metric.capitalize())





您已经学习了如何仅使用 NumPy 从头开始构建和训练一个简单的前馈神经网络,以对 MNIST 手写数字进行分类。


  • 将训练样本大小从 1,000 增加到更大的数字(最多 60,000)。

  • 使用小批量数据并降低学习率

  • 通过引入更多隐藏层来改变架构,使网络更深

  • 交叉熵损失函数与最后一层中的softmax激活函数结合使用。

  • 引入卷积层:将前馈网络替换为卷积神经网络架构。

  • 使用更高的迭代次数进行更长时间的训练,并添加更多正则化技术,例如提前停止,以防止过拟合

  • 引入验证集,以便对模型拟合进行无偏评估。

  • 应用批量归一化,以实现更快、更稳定的训练。

  • 调整其他参数,例如学习率和隐藏层大小。

使用 NumPy 从头开始构建神经网络是学习更多关于 NumPy 和深度学习的好方法。但是,对于实际应用,您应该使用专门的框架——例如PyTorchJAXTensorFlowMXNet——它们提供类似 NumPy 的 API,具有内置的自动微分和 GPU 支持,并且专为高性能数值计算和机器学习而设计。


(感谢hsjeong5 演示了如何在不使用外部库的情况下下载 MNIST。)